Transcribe Video And Audio Into Text With Otter.Ai And Become A Lazy Blogger
hi guys in this video I’m going to show you how you can become a blogger without writing the blog this is by far my favourite time saving website and in this video I’m going to show you how to set up an account plus I’m going to show you how to be the ultimate lazy blogger by transcribing your audio and video content don’t forget to like and subscribe and let’s get into the video
okay guys the first thing you need to do to become the ultimate lazy blogger is head over to and sign up for a free account by clicking on the start for free button on the top right hand side when the page loads you’ll be given the option to create an account with google microsoft or apple for the purpose of this video i am going to go old school and type in my email address once done click the create account button you’re then going to be asked to choose a password make sure to choose something secure and once you have click on the next button
You’re then going to be asked to type in your first name and your last name once that’s done click on the next button now that you’ve finished entering in your details you will be sent a verification email go into your inbox and click on the link which will activate your otter ai account now click on the logo in the top middle of your page this will take you to your dashboard. hosts a whole load of features from transcribing zoom meetings to recording live meetings that you can transcribe at a later time i will upload more videos on how to use
but today’s video i’m going to show you how to import and transcribe video and audio content and this is where the lazy bit comes in to be honest it’s not lazy it’s just working smart if you’re creating your own content on youtube or you have your own podcast this is the best way to write a blog without writing a blog now i’m dyslexic so i don’t want to spend hours on end typing out a blog.

But i still want one and i still need one all i need to do is talk into my microphone and upload my audio. Otter ai genuinely saves me a lot of time and a lot of stress to transcribe your audio or your video content all you need to do is click on import in the top right hand side of your screen you’re then going to be asked to select the audio or video file you want to upload with a free account you are able to upload three audio or visual files to upload any more than that you will need to upgrade your account click on the browse file button
and select the content you want to be transcribed you’ll be then shown your upload progress bar once your file has been uploaded you’ll be then given a transcription progress bar and it’ll also give you an estimated time on how long this will take if we now close out of this window we’ll be given the option to receive a notification by email once our file is finished transcribing just click on notify me in the middle of the page it gives you the name of the file we’re transcribing and it tells you it’s in progress in the bottom left of the screen.
It tells you how many files are being transcribed and how long is remaining once our file has finished transcribing you’ll notice in the bottom left hand side it’ll say it’s been completed now if we select our file at the top of the page we’ll be taken to our transcribed file the first thing you’ll notice at the top of the page is the summary of keywords in your article these keywords can be used to improve your SEO score stay watching to see how to do that later in the video
At any time you can highlight a portion of text and check its accuracy to do this all you need to do is double click on a portion of text then otter/ai will play the original audio and highlight each word in the sentence will then continue to read the paragraph and highlight.
each word in the sentence will then continue to read the paragraph and highlight
each word individually if i close the transcribe window in the bottom left you’ll see there’s an audio player you can stop and start this at any time if you want to check a different section of text all you need to do is double click on the sentence and it will automatically start playing if you do spot a mistake all you need to do is click on the pencil icon in the top right hand side.
As i said earlier in the video can help us with our SEO keywords if we select any of the summary keywords it will highlight them within our text so when it does come to moving our blog onto our website all we need to do is add these focus keywords into something like rank math copying our text onto our website couldn’t be easier all you need to do is highlight your text and click on the copy button.
Now head over to your website I’m using Elementor pro and I’m going to drag in a text box widget now on the left hand your text and click on the copy button now head over to your website I’m using Elementor pro and I’m going to drag in a text box widget now on the left hand side.
I’m going to paste in our text from otter ai now if we were writing a blog all we’d need to do is style it and add our images now we can start adding our focus keywords provided by i use ranked math so all i need to do is click on the widget menu icon and click on seo and start pasting in our keywords and that ladies and gentlemen is how you can become the ultimate lazy blogger like me as i said earlier in the video
I used Otterai to make this Tutorial and I used Grammarly to check my punctuations and the spelling.
if you do want to sign up for or any of the other programs mentioned in the video then please do use the links in the description below.
They are affiliate links they don’t cost you any more to use but they do give me a very small percentage of their profits if you choose to sign up that’s it for this video i really do hope you found it useful if you have any questions feel free to drop them in the comments box below don’t forget to hit the like and subscribe button.
I’ll see you in the next Tutorial.