Change Image Colour On Hover In Elementor
hi guys in this video I’m going to show you how to use grayscale to change the colour of your images on Hover we’re going to be using Elementor Pro so sit back relax hit that like And subscribe button and let’s get into the video
okay so the first thing we’re going to do is add a new section to our page and we do that by clicking on the plus button and we’re going to select three columns you can obviously add as many columns as you like the next thing we’re going to do is add an image widget
In this first image widget we’re going to go from Grey to colour and I’m going to add a second one and go from colour to Geyy and this will all happen when we hover our Mouse over our images the next thing we obviously need to do is add our images and we do that by clicking on the choose image button and selecting one of these images at random.
We’re going to do the same in the second box and as I say these are at random I just want something with a bit of colour just so you notice the difference with our images added you now need to head over to my website where you’ll find the CSS code that makes all the magic happen as you’ll see when you get to my web page there is the grade to colour CSS code and underneath there is the colour to grey CSS code.

Now all you need to do is click on the copy button in the top right hand side of the code box that doesn’t work for me while I’m in the page builder so I’m going to highlight the code click on copy and I’m going to go into the advanced tab in the image and scroll down to the bottom where it says custom CSS all I need to do now is paste in the code to activate the code to go back over to my website and underneath the code box you’ll see it says CSS classes and we need to highlight and copy the words colorize-on-Hover
Once you’ve done that head back over to your Elementor Page Builder and you’re going to select on the image that you’ve added your CSS code to and you’re going to go to the advanced tab at the top it says layout and in there it says CSS classes and this is where you need to paste in that small bit of code if we hover over our image you’ll see the colour comes through now with our second image we’re going to do the opposite we’re going to hover over it and it’s going to change to grey.
So we’re going to have to head back over to my website and you’ll find the code colour to grey CSS copy this and head back over to the image on your page go to the advanced tab scroll down to the bottom where it says custom CSS code and paste it in once that’s done head back over to my website scroll down to the bottom where it says custom CSS classes and it says colorize-on-Hover1
Copy this go back into your web page underneath the advanced tab under layout it will say CSS classes paste it into this box now when you hover over the second image it will fade into grey you do need Elementor Pro to be able to use this effect on your website and there is a link for that in the top of the description if you don’t already have Elementor Pro all that’s left to do now is preview our page and you do that by clicking on the preview button next to the publish button in the bottom left hand side of the screen.

Now when you hover over these images the colour will come through or it will turn grey as you’ll notice when you hover over the images it does slowly fade in and out to speed this up or slow it down we need to go back into Elementor if we look at our CSS code it says transition one second so as you can probably already guess all we need to do is change that number.
For this example all I’m going to do is change this to five and I’m going to hover over our image again and you’ll see that it takes five seconds to become full colour now I know realistically you won’t want it to take that long to change colour but you can change it to 0.5 which will make it much quicker you can also have no number at all which will make it instant but visually on your final website it does look better if you’ve got a slight fade in and out even if it is only just 0.5 it looks much more professional.
Remember that you do need Elementor Pro to be able to use these effects on your website if you haven’t already got Elemental Pro there is a link in the description below is an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of Elementor’s profits if you choose to sign up if you have got any questions feel free to drop them in the comments box below and before you go.
don’t forget to check out the rest of my playlists don’t forget to hit that like And subscribe button
I’ll see you in the next Tutorial